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Collaboratory Policies

Toronto Metropolitan University Library Collaboratory members, friends, and event-attendees must consent to the following policies: Environmental Healthy and Safety Policy, the Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy, and the Photography, Video and Recording in Progress Policy.

  • Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy
    Toronto Metropolitan University is committed to fostering a collegial study and work milieu that is free of discrimination and harassment and one in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Every member of the Toronto Metropolitan University Community has a right to equal treatment with respect to employment and with respect to the receipt of education services and related services and facilities without discrimination or harassment on the basis of the following grounds:

    • Race
    • Ancestry
    • Place of origin
    • Colour
    • Ethnic origin
    • Citizenship
    • Creed
    • Sex
    • Sexual orientation
    • Gender identity and Gender expression
    • Age
    • Record of offences*
    • Marital status
    • Family status
    • Disability

    * The protection for record of offences applies only in the area of employment.

    Throughout this Policy the above listed grounds will be referred to as the “prohibited grounds”.

    A right to freedom from discrimination and harassment is also infringed where someone is treated unequally because she/he is in a relationship, association or dealing with a person or persons identified by a prohibited ground of discrimination.

    Discriminatory and harassing behaviours are offensive, degrading and illegal. Every member of the Toronto Metropolitan University Community is responsible for creating an environment which is free of discrimination and harassment. Individuals acting on their own and/or on behalf of the University and the University itself can be held responsible under this Policy and in law for discriminatory and harassing acts. Those found to have engaged in such conduct on the basis of a prohibited ground will be subject to discipline. Those found to have been harassed or discriminated against on the basis of a prohibited ground will be entitled to a remedy.

    To read the full policy, follow this link.


  • Environmental Healthy and Safety Policy:
    The University recognizes that, integral to the attainment of its mandate, is the assurance of a healthy and safe work, learning, research, teaching, living and recreational environment and a community culture of civility in the workplace.In achieving this commitment, the University shall do everything reasonably practicable by ensuring that measures are in place to support the internal responsibility system, whereby every member of the community shares responsibility for health and safety, security, harassment prevention and preservation of a civil and respectful environment.The University will enable this shared responsibility by integrating EHS due diligence into all planning and decision-making processes, establishing management policies, programs, procedures and practices to identify and address health and safety risks. This includes risks of workplace violence and providing support to our community members who must take appropriate actions for the prevention of illness and injury and response to accidents, incidents, near misses and concerns.It is recognized that the University has other policies and agreements in place that pertain to health and safety, including, but not limited to the,

    • Student Code of Non Academic Conduct,
    • Discrimination and Harassment Prevention policy,
    • Workplace Civility and Respect Policy,
    • Safe and Secure Campus policy;
    • Collective Agreements,
    • Evacuation of University Buildings in the Event of Fire or Other Emergency,
    • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), and
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Illness and Disability Management System.

    This policy provides a health and safety management system framework for such policies and related prevention programs.  These programs integrate relevant provisions of other University policies, under the authority of the OHS Act and the Employers internal responsibility system. To read the full policy, follow this link.


  • Photography, Video and Recording in Progress PolicyI hereby grant permission to Toronto Metropolitan University and its representatives to photograph and video me, and otherwise capture my image, and to make recordings of my voice, of this event, or location. I further grant Toronto Metropolitan University and its representatives the right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, broadcast and distribute these images and recordings in any media now known or later developed for promoting, publicizing or
    explaining Toronto Metropolitan University and its activities and for administrative, educational or research purposes. I acknowledge that Toronto Metropolitan University owns all rights.If you do not want your image or information shared with Toronto Metropolitan University, please inform Collaboratory staff onsite and/or photographer/videographer of your wishes.